Bonding or maintaining a good relationship with your teenage kid can be very hard almost all the time. But no parent should let it stay that way cause teenage is one of the most important parts of your kid’s life. These years will possibly determine their personality and their character in the future. Maybe even for the rest of their life.
But if you have come here, you are willing to try. We have tried to list out some things you should or can do to make your bond stronger with your teenage daughter. Hopefully, those will help you and at least give you an idea about what to do.
Understand What She Is Going Through:

We’ve all been there. Teenage can be the most confusing and life-changing experience for some kids so try to understand that they are processing their life. If they are being resentful or irritated, understand that most of the time it’s not their fault. Instead, make them understood by probably having some good mother and daughter alone time. And if they ask for it, give them suitable advice on how to get through it.
Make Use Of Technology:
It’s no surprise that most teenagers’ lives revolve around social media and everything based on the internet and technologies. If your daughter is one of them, learn to communicate with her through these platforms. This way you’ll get to know more about what she likes and maybe what you like too.
Respect Works Both Ways:
If you feel she’s not being respectful towards you or your feelings, then take a moment to think if you as a parent are doing that for her. We may feel that we should be respected just because we are the parents sometimes but it’s just not how it works. You need to be how you wanna be treated. So bond with your daughter by respecting their actions, their choices, and their feelings.
Be Interested In Their Interests:
If you don’t want your daughter to grow up thinking that you are not showing any interest in what she does, make an effort right now. It is very important to participate and show that you care by showing some interest in things they like doing. Whether it is Shopping, Writing, or maybe even doing Tik Tok, be sure to actively present and encourage her with what she’s doing.
Have A Good Relationship With Their Friends:

Get your mother and daughter bonding to the next level by being active in her social life. Friends play a key role in your kid’s teenage life so always get to know her friends and her social circle. In this way, you’ll give her a chance to communicate with you about her social life and you’ll get to know if she’s hanging out with the right crowd.
Make Sure To Have Fun:

From enjoying quality time on the beach to playing video games together, anything that makes you two happy and is fun is the key. Always plan a mother and daughter date and explore new things each time. This will be a nice time for both of you and will give you a chance to get close to her.
Moreover, Always try to put yourselves in her shoes but don’t expect her to do the same thing just yet. She’s still a kid. If you give enough time and teach her, she will both bond with you and be more understanding.
We hope this helps with what you are looking for.